Where's the function result?
(too old to reply)
Eli Gottlieb
2006-12-15 20:07:20 UTC
I'm calling some code built with the Pascal calling convention modifier
from assembly, and I need to know where the function result will be
stored. Where will an integral result be stored? Where will a result
larger than an integer go?

Basically, I have code:

call Function

And I need to know where the result of Function() will be on the stack.
Can anyone tell me, or should I just disassemble a program?
2006-12-17 19:36:50 UTC
Eli Gottlieb <***@gmail.com> wrote:

|I'm calling some code built with the Pascal calling convention modifier
|from assembly, and I need to know where the function result will be

Quoted from Delphi 6 help files:

The following conventions are used for returning function result

Ordinal results are returned, when possible, in a CPU register. Bytes
are returned in AL, words are returned in AX, and double-words are
returned in EAX.
Real results are returned in the floating-point coprocessor’s
top-of-stack register (ST(0)). For function results of type Currency,
the value in ST(0) is scaled by 10000. For example, the Currency value
1.234 is returned in ST(0) as 12340.
For a string, dynamic array, method pointer, variant, or Int64
result, the effects are the same as if the function result were
declared as an additional var parameter following the declared
parameters. In other words, the caller passes an additional 32-bit
pointer that points to a variable in which to return the function

Pointer, class, class-reference, and procedure-pointer results are
returned in EAX.
For static-array, record, and set results, if the value
occupies one byte it is returned in AL; if the value occupies two
bytes it is returned in AX; and if the value occupies four bytes it is
returned in EAX. Otherwise, the result is returned in an additional
var parameter that is passed to the function after the declared

End Quote.

In addition, I believe that a quad word result is returned in EDX:EAX.


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