Debuggers 101
(too old to reply)
Andy Allen
2003-07-26 22:38:49 UTC
Hello. I'm trying to teach someone basic programming and because I
want them to learn something about data abstraction before they get
corrupted by C/C++ I'm using "Free Pascal". I'm looking for a debugger
which will let me show them how to use such things but I can't seem to
find anything resembling Borlands gorgeous TD! Anyone have any ideas?
Do I have to write the damn thing myself? (TUI is so brain dead a 3
year old kid would feel embarressed about it. I can live with GDB raw
myself but I don't wan't my student to curl up in the corner and go
into twitch mode.).
Heinrich Christiansen
2003-07-27 07:00:41 UTC
Hi Andy!

If I am understanding you right you want to teach someone the basics!

Then Why do you need a debugger? As I see it a Debugger is way too
complex for a newbie or maybe you want to teach assembler too!?

I understand that Borland has a free personal version of Delphi the only
thing is that you need to do is to register it online! I think it's version
7 or
8 now!
Post by Andy Allen
Hello. I'm trying to teach someone basic programming and because I
want them to learn something about data abstraction before they get
corrupted by C/C++ I'm using "Free Pascal". I'm looking for a debugger
which will let me show them how to use such things but I can't seem to

Heinrich Christiansen

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