Problems running turbo pascal 7 on windows 2000
(too old to reply)
2003-11-11 17:11:35 UTC
Boys & girls. I m new to this newsgroup. I've just installed pascal
on my system & everything was working A okay until i started using the
library fucntion "crt". Didn't encounter any problems when compiling
the program. When i executed the file in DOS an error message appears
"Runtime error 200 at 002D:0091.". Do any of you here know if there
are any work around solutions to this problem?

Thanks in advance.
Dr John Stockton
2003-11-11 22:54:25 UTC
JRS: In article <***@posting.google.com>, seen
in news:comp.lang.pascal.borland, novice <***@prontomail.com>
posted at Tue, 11 Nov 2003 09:11:35 :-
Post by novice
Boys & girls. I m new to this newsgroup.
these newsgroups.
Post by novice
I've just installed pascal
on my system & everything was working A okay until i started using the
library fucntion "crt".
Crt is a unit, not a function; it contains functions.
Post by novice
Didn't encounter any problems when compiling
the program. When i executed the file in DOS an error message appears
"Runtime error 200 at 002D:0091.". Do any of you here know if there
are any work around solutions to this problem?
Before posting to a newsgroup, one should read it for a bit and seek its
FAQ. The c.l.p.b mFAQ tells you that c.l.p should no longer exist, as
does Timo's weekly post. Google is not authoritative on what newsgroups
really exist; it is easily led astray; you should try to get proper news
software (some is cheap, some is free; some respects standards; some is
by Microsoft).

The mFAQ will also tell you that yours is not a Win2000 problem, but an
over-fast CPU problem. Aside - W2K should be glacial on a non-RTE200

It will also tell you solutions.

Actually, the problem is so well known that it's on Borland's website
still (I think).

It is also treated in <URL:http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/pas-r200.htm> .

And of course in TSFAQP #124.
© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. ?@merlyn.demon.co.uk Turnpike v4.00 MIME. ©
<URL:http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/> TP/BP/Delphi/&c., FAQqy topics & links;
<URL:http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/clpb-faq.txt> RAH Prins : c.l.p.b mFAQ;
<URL:ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/link/tsfaqp.zip> Timo Salmi's Turbo Pascal FAQ.
C Rode
2003-11-12 04:15:39 UTC
... Aside - W2K should be glacial on a non-RTE200
But no-one suggested a solution of moving to a slower computer ?
C Rode
2003-11-12 04:20:22 UTC
Post by novice
Boys & girls. I m new to this newsgroup. I've just installed pascal
on my system & everything was working A okay until i started using the
library fucntion "crt". Didn't encounter any problems when compiling
the program. When i executed the file in DOS an error message appears
"Runtime error 200 at 002D:0091.". Do any of you here know if there
are any work around solutions to this problem?
A good solution to this may be to use the TP7 download available from
Borland France. I can't be sure because I don't read French and the
newsgroup FAQ does not give details on the latest TP7 download.
2003-11-12 15:34:09 UTC
Post by C Rode
Post by novice
Boys & girls. I m new to this newsgroup. I've just installed pascal
on my system & everything was working A okay until i started using the
library fucntion "crt". Didn't encounter any problems when compiling
the program. When i executed the file in DOS an error message appears
"Runtime error 200 at 002D:0091.". Do any of you here know if there
are any work around solutions to this problem?
A good solution to this may be to use the TP7 download available from
Borland France. I can't be sure because I don't read French and the
newsgroup FAQ does not give details on the latest TP7 download.
Thanks a lot mates. You'll have been really good to me, a little old
novice. I am new to the art of programming.
Richard Skinner
2003-11-17 11:21:54 UTC
I was able to patch the CRT unit to fix the Runtime error 200, but when I
use my old OpCrt unit from TurboPowers it reappears. Hadn't found anything
on my web searches to fix OpCrt. Any clues?

Post by novice
Boys & girls. I m new to this newsgroup. I've just installed pascal
on my system & everything was working A okay until i started using the
library fucntion "crt". Didn't encounter any problems when compiling
the program. When i executed the file in DOS an error message appears
"Runtime error 200 at 002D:0091.". Do any of you here know if there
are any work around solutions to this problem?
Thanks in advance.